All conference events will take place at the campus of the Universität Karlsruhe (TH). The university campus is located in the center of Karlsruhe and can be reached in a few minutes by streetcar from everywhere in the urban area, see travel info for more information. One can also enjoy walking through downtown to the conference site. This will take at most 20 minutes from the Marktplatz in the heart of the city.
Lecture Auditorium
The lectures will be held in the Hörsaal am Forum (Audimax, building no. 30.96), located next to the library and the cafeteria in the center of the campus. This is a new, modern, and efficient auditorium, equipped with beamers, overhead projectors, and flip charts, but without blackboards. Please note, that the nearest streetcar station is Durlacher Tor not Kronenplatz/Universität.
Welcoming Reception
The welcoming reception and registration on Sunday afternoon will take place in the building of the faculty of informatics (building no. 50.34) located in the Eastern part of the campus and within walking distance of the lecture auditorium.
Conference Dinner
The dining-hall is located in the center of the Karlsruhe fan streets below the tower of the Baroque palace, to the North of the Marktplatz and adjacent to the university campus. It is in walking distance of both the lecture auditorium and downtown.